A later edition would revert to type and plump for Doctor Who and the Three Doctors (www.pagefillers.com/dwrg/threnov.htm#1), which is an odd decision, especially when you go with a cover that only features three heads. At least, had they kept the original cover, it might look like Omega was the mysterious fourth Doctor being promised.
You could claim the original edition was just as misleading, promising 'The most amazing DOCTOR WHO adventure' (tardis.wikia.com/wiki/The_Three_Doctors_(novelisation)), but that would be a cheap shot.
I guess what it does demonstrate is that no one thought that anyone might even think of Doctor Who as his name come the late-70s and 80s, so the 'and' could in no way cause confusion. People just didn't pay enough attention to their late-Hartnell/early-Troughton in those days.
Yes, I really don't have much to say about The Three Doctors. For more barrel-scraping, click here...