Doctor Who's Putrid Ham
A quest through the Dr Who novelisations
"The excellent ham of Doctor Who is more than a little off"
1974 Times Literary Supplement review of Doctor Who and the Crusaders (quoted from David J Howe's The Target Book)
The Changing Face of Doctor Who
William Hartnell (1963-66, 1973)
'The [...] illustration [...] portrays the first DOCTOR WHO whose physical appearance was later transformed when he discarded his worn-out body in favour of a new one'
Doctor Who and the Tenth Planet
Peter Cushing (1965 & 1966)
The illustration portrays the film DR. WHO, who was pre-emptively destroyed by Daleks from the big-screen adaptation of The Chase following his failure to pick up a time scanner from The Space Museum
Brian Proudfoot
The Reign of Terror (1964) & The Space Museum (1965)
The illustrations portray the out-and-about DOCTOR WHO, the first actor to appear on location in Who
Paddy Smith
Dr Who & the Daleks (1965)
The illustration portrays the film DR. WHO's regular driver and stand-in. And already I can think of nothing to add to that
Edmund Warwick
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964) & The Chase (1965)
The illustrations portray the robot DOCTOR WHO, indistinguishable and interchangeable with the original, whose physical appearance was altered when the Doctor battered him in the head and pulled out his innards
Albert Ward
The Romans (1965), The Celestial Toymaker, The Smugglers (1966)
The illustrations portray the hand of DOCTOR WHO -- because Hartnell could spot a thankless task a mile off
Gordon Craig
The Smugglers & The Tenth Planet (both 1966)
The illustration portrays the slumped DOCTOR WHO, when Hartnell really was ill
Patrick Troughton (1966-69, 1973, 1983, 1985)
'The [...] illustration [...] portray[s] the second DOCTOR WHO whose physical appearance was later altered by the Time Lords'
Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen
Barry Ashton
The Evil of the Daleks (1967)
The illustration portrays the second DOCTOR WHO's stand-in hand thanklessly taking on another uncredited role in the same episode
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 34-37; p.105
KR Morgan/Peter Diamond (?)
The Enemy of the World (1968)
The illustration portrays the second second DOCTOR WHO whose physical appearance reverted when Salamander got sucked out into space
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 38-41, p.105
Chris Jeffries
The Wheel in Space, The Dominators (both 1969)
The illustration portrays the Dominators' DOCTOR WHO -- because there's a limit to what even Troughton would rescue
Tom Laird
The Seeds of Death (1969)
The illustration portrays the unconscious DOCTOR WHO, who really was transmatted into space by the Ice Lord Slaar
Jon Pertwee (1970-74, 1983, 1993)
The illustration portrays the third DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance was transformed with the help of a transcendental monk

Jack Silk
The Daemons (1971)
The illustration portrays the jump-and-roll DOCTOR WHO whose physical appearance changed on the soft soft grass
Terry Walsh
Inferno (1970), The Curse of Peladon, Day of the Daleks, The Sea Devils (all 1972), The Three Doctors, Carnival of Monsters, Frontier in Space, The Green Death (all 1973), The Time Warrior, The Monster of Peladon, Planet of the Spiders (all 1974), The Sontaran Experiment, Revenge of the Cybermen (both 1975), Planet of Evil, The Android Invasion, The Seeds of Doom (all 1976), The Masque of Mandragora,The Deadly Assassin (both 1977), The Androids of Tara (1978), The Creature from the Pit (1979), Dimensions in Time (1993)
This illustration portrays the stunt DOCTOR WHO whose physical appearance resolutely didn't change over 9 years and two Doctors
Doctor Who - The Complete History 90, p.95

Bill Burridge
Frontier in Space (1973)
The illustration portrays the Draconian DOCTOR WHO -- because Jon Pertwee ain't getting in no mask however much he likes the design

Michael Pinder
Planet of the Spiders (1974)
The illustration portrays the hovercraft-driving (and, it turns out, -owning and -loaning) DOCTOR WHO, who doesn't trust Pertwee with his toys

John Scott Martin (?) & Michael Wisher (voice)
Frontier in Space (1973)
The illustration portrays the Dalek DOCTOR WHO -- because Jon Pertwee ain't getting in no tin can, especially when he hates the design
Trevor Martin
Seven Keys to Doomsday (1974)
The illustration portrays the stage DOCTOR WHO whose physical appearance was irrelevant the moment Robot came on the telly

Tom Baker (1974-81, 1993, 2013)
'This [...] portrays the fourth incarnation of Doctor Who, whose physical appearance later changed when he lost an argument with gravity'
The Pirate Planet
Christopher Baker, Robert Holmes, Graeme Harper, Douglas Camfield, Philip Hinchcliffe, Robert Banks Stewart, George Gallaccio & Christopher Barry
The Brain of Morbius (1973)
imdb.com/name/nm0048337, imdb.com/name/nm0392025, imdb.com/name/nm0363865, imdb.com/name/nm0131769, imdb.com/name/nm0385472, imdb.com/name/nm0829775, imdb.com/name/nm0302309 & imdb.com/name/nm0057959
The illustrations portray the earliest incarnations of DOCTOR WHO -- because Peter Davison was the last

Alan Chuntz (?)
Planet of Evil (1975)
The illustration will portray a miscellaneous stunt DOCTOR WHO, as soon as I find him
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 81-84; p.31

Eddie Powell (?)
The Deadly Assassin (1977)
The illustration portrays the falling DOCTOR WHO -- because Tom Baker had already done his collarbone once on the job

Stuart Fell (?)
The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1977)
The illustration portrays the dangling DOCTOR WHO -- because Tom Baker had already done his collarbone once on the job
Steve Lucas
Destiny of the Daleks (1979)
The illustration portrays special effects assistant and one-time legs of DOCTOR WHO
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 102-4; p.118

Gareth Milne (?)
Black Orchid (1982), Warriors of the Deep & The Caves of Androzani (both 1984)
The illustration portrays the nuclear reactor-triggering DOCTOR WHO, who remarkably reverts to Davison the moment he hits the freezing cold water
Richard Hurndall
The Five Doctors (1983)
The illustration portrays the anniversary DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance was never expected to fool anyone
Colin Baker (1984-86, 1993, 2022)
The illustration portrays the sixth DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changed after he fell off an exercise bike. And before he regenerated

Michael Jayston & Geoffrey Hughes (1986)
The illustrations portray the evil DOCTOR WHO who exists between his twelfth and final regeneration. That has a rather different meaning now to at the time
Sylvester McCoy (1987-96, 2022)
The illustration portrays the seventh DOCTOR WHO. whose physical appearance changed the moment he ventured beyond the Home Counties

Tip Tipping
Remembrance of the Daleks (1988), The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (1988/9) & Survival (1989)
The illustration portrays the bike-riding DOCTOR WHO, whose professional ethics led him to walk when the crew employed a non-Equity member
Paul Heason
Silver Nemesis (1988)
The illustration portrays the wet DOCTOR WHO, whose appearance had to change because Sylvester McCoy had a cold
David Banks
The Ultimate Adventure (1989)
The illustration portrays the understudy DOCTOR WHO whose physical appearance changed when Pertwee got better

Mike Langlois (?)
Doctor Who (1996)
The illustration portrays the 'Old' DOCTOR WHO, I'm guessing when he falls over.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Doctor Who [The TV Movie]; p.124
Paul McGann (1996-2005, 2013, 2022)
The illustration portrays the eighth DOCTOR WHO whose physical appearance changed when McGann finally got his say on the wig and then more radically when spurned by Cass
Charles Andre (?)
Doctor Who (1996)
The illustration portrays the riding-a-bike-for-the-first-time-ever DOCTOR WHO -- because Philip Segal's never heard of Jon Pertwee, who this was dedicated to, or Sylvester McCoy, who's in this

Jamie Jones (?)
Doctor Who (1996)
The illustration portrays the descending-by-firehose DOCTOR WHO. This could easily be Paul McGann, but that really doesn't look like Daphne Ashbrook.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Doctor Who [The TV Movie]; p.124
Nicholas Briggs
The Final Chapter, Wormwood (1998) & Exile (2003)
The illustration portrays the comic DOCTOR WHO, who reveals himself to actually be Shayde. But then he was a future Doctor in Party Animals (1991), confronted Sargol, Justyce and more in the Audio Visuals (1985-88) and played the fifth unbound DOCTOR WHO, so he's on the list

Rowan Atkinson
The Curse of Fatal Death (1999)
The illustration portrays the Comic Relief DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changed when he was hit by ricocheting Dalek fire

Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant & Joanna Lumley
The Curse of Fatal Death (1999)
The illustrations portray more Comic Relief DOCTORS WHO, whose physical appearances change when they repeatedly mess up some rewiring
Geoffrey Bayldon
Auld Mortality (2003) & A Storm of Angels (2005)
The illustration portrays the first unbound DOCTOR WHO, who makes a right mess of travelling through space and time
David Collings
Full Fathom Five (2003)
The illustration portrays the third unbound DOCTOR WHO, who comes to a brutal end
Arabella Weir
Exile (2003)
The illustration portrays the sixth unbound DOCTOR WHO, who makes a better job of living on Earth than Pertwee
Richard E Grant
The Curse of Fatal Death (1999), Scream of the Shalka (2003)
The illustration portrays the animated DOCTOR WHO, who was definitely official however much they subsequently tried to brush him under the carpet

David Warner
Sympathy for the Devil (2003), Masters of War (2008) & The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield (2016-22). Once and Future (2023)
The illustration portrays the second unbound DOCTOR WHO, who lets down the Brig, the Earth and a whole other universe

Ian Brooker
Full Fathom Five (2003)
The illustration portrays the fourth unbound DOCTOR WHO, who comes to a brutal end
Christopher Eccleston (2005)
The illustration portrays the ninth DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changed when he finally got to kiss Rose
Phil Jay
Rose (2005)
The illustration portrays the shuffling DOCTOR WHO, a bone fide magician
DWM Special: Series One
William Willoughby (?)
Rose (2005), Evolution of the Daleks, Daleks in Manhattan (both 2007), The Pandorica Opens (2010) The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (2011), Dinosaurs on a Spaceship & A Town Called Mercy (2012)
The illustration portrays the swinging DOCTOR WHO. From this point on, this is going to get quite onerous

Jamie Edgell (?)
The End of the World, The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances (all 2005)
The illustration portrays the hands of DOCTOR WHO again. He's a stuntman. That's how tight filming's getting
DWM Special: Series One

Frank Rozelaar-Green (?)
The Doctor Dances (2005)
The illustration portrays the dancing DOCTOR WHO, because it turns out the Doctor doesn't actually dance
David Tennant (2005-10, 2013, 2022-3)
The illustration portrays the tenth DOCTOR WHO, who put off his change of physical appearance for about nine hours' screentime
Glenn Foster
New Earth (2006)
The illustration portrays the drug-laden DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changes when he starts hugging everyone
DWM Special: Series 2
Peter Miles
The Girl in the Fireplace (2006)
The illustration portrays the riding DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changes along with his horse, which becomes a rolling wooden scaffold for Tennant's in-door convenience
Ray De-Haan
The Idiot's Lantern (2006)
The illustration portrays the first moped-riding DOCTOR WHO
DWM Special: Series 2
Pat Deacy (?)
The Idiot's Lantern (2006)
The illustration portrays the second moped-riding DOCTOR WHO
Jon Culshaw
The Kingmaker (2006), Doctors Assemble (2020)
The illustration portrays the breach-of-contract DOCTOR WHO, writer of The Doctor Who Dinosaur Book and the subsequent Doctor Who Discovers series​
Gordon Seed
The Idiot's Lantern (2006), The Sound of Drums, The Last of the Time Lords, Voyage of the Damned (all 2007), Partners in Crime, The Next Doctor (both 2008), The Waters of Mars (2009), The End of Time (2009-10), A Christmas Carol (2010), Let's Kill Hitler, Closing Time, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (all 2011), The Rings of Akhaten, Hide, The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor (all 2013), Time Heist, The Caretaker, Kill the Moon (2014)
The illustrations portray the most prolific stunt DOCTOR WHO, usurping Terry Walsh's crown
The Doctor Who Companion: The Twelfth Doctor: Volume Two
David Bednall
The Lazarus Experiment (2007)
The illustration portrays the key-stroking DOCTOR WHO -- because playing the organ's difficult
DWM Special: Series Three
Mark Archer
Voyage of the Damned (2007)
The illustration portrays the floor-busting DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changed on sight of Alonso
DWM Special: Series Three
Colum Sanson-Regan
Voyage of the Damned (2007), The Sontaran Stratagem, The Poison Sky, Turn Left, The Stolen Earth & Journey's End (all 2008)
The illustration portrays the human DOCTOR WHO and the Time Lord DOCTOR WHO, interchangeable as necessary
DWM Special: Series Three

Chris Goding
The End of Time (2009-10)
The illustration portrays the hand of DOCTOR WHO. Hartnell was actually well ahead of his time
DWM Special: The Companion Specials
Matt Smith (2010-13, 2014)
The illustration portrays the eleventh DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance was later transformed when he discarded his worn-out body in favour of a whole new regeneration cycle
Toby Jones
Amy's Choice (2010)
The illustration portrays the drug-induced DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance, oddly, occasionally resembles the Stig

Andy Jones
The Pandorica Opens (2010), The Impossible Astronaut, The Almost People (both 2011)
The illustration portrays the ganger DOCTOR WHO, who reverts to cum upon sonicking the Flesh
Daniel Anthony
The Death of the Doctor (2010)
The illustration portrays the body-invading DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance is... underage?
Matthew Humphries
Let's Kill Hitler, The Girl Who Waited, The God Complex, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (all 2011), The Power of Three, The Angels Take Manhattan (both 2012), Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, The Crimson Horror & Nightmare in Silver (all 2013)
The illustration portrays the rearshot DOCTOR WHO, whose appearance made The Girl Who Waited a Doctor-light
DWM Special: The Eleventh Doctor 4
Terry Molloy
The Curse of Davros (2012)
The illustration portrays the sixth DOCTOR WHO when swapped into the body of Davros

Matthew Doman (?)
The Bells of St John (2013)
The illustration portrays the stillshot DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance is making me regret what i thought was a nice conceit when doubles were a relative rarity
DWM Special: The 2013 Series
Andy Godbold
The Bells of St John (2013)
The illustration portrays the biker DOCTOR WHO whose physical appearance is somewhere behind Clara's double
DWM Special: The 2013 Series
Kevin Legg
The Name of the Doctor & The Day of the Doctor (both 2013)
The illustration portrays the first inside-the-Doctor's-mind (?) DOCTOR WHO, who seems to have been picked for his resemblance to Richard Hurndall
DWM Special: The 2013 Series
John Hurt
The Name of the Doctor & The Day of the Doctor (2013)
The illustration portrays the war(th) DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance was transformed when he discarded his worn-out body in favour of a new one
Adrian Gibbs
Logopolis (1981)
The illustration portrays the voyeur DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changed when he shot himself all over Tom Baker's face
Peter Davison (1981-84, 1993, 2007, 2022)
The illustration portrays the fifth DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changed when he gave Peri all his milk
Ian William George
The Rebel Flesh, The Almost People (both 2011), The Angels Take Manhattan (2012), The Bells of St John, The Rings of Akhaten, Cold War, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, Nightmare in Silver, The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor (all 2013)
The illustration portrays the voice and flesh double DOCTOR WHO. I presume the voice double bit was only for the studio..?

Robert David Cashin
Fiftieth anniversary trailer (2013)
The illustration portrays the eleventh trailer DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance was changed with photoshop
DWM Special Edition: The Year of the Doctor
William Russell
The Light at the End (2013)
The illustration portrays the first DOCTOR WHO, trapped in an exploding Tardis with his two successors

Damian Lynch
Ghost in the Machine (2013)
The illustration portrays the third DOCTOR WHO in the body of Benjamin Chikoto
Frazer Hines
The Light at the End (2013)
The illustration portrays the second DOCTOR WHO, trapped in an exploding Tardis with his predecessor and successor

Katy Manning
Ghost in the Machine (2013)
The illustration portrays the third DOCTOR WHO in the body of Jo Grant
Tim Treloar
The Light at the End (2013), The Third Doctor Adventures (2015-)
The illustration portrays the third DOCTOR WHO, trapped in an exploding Tardis with his predecessors
John Guilor
The Day of the Doctor (2013)
The illustration portrays the voice of the first DOCTOR WHO calling the War Council of Gallifrey. He in no way physically appears
Philip Crean
The Day of the Doctor (2013)
The illustration doesn't portray the 'other' DOCTOR WHO's double
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 240-241; p.94
Harry Frankin-Williams
The Day of the Doctor (2013)
The illustration doesn't portray the tenth DOCTOR WHO's double
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 240-241; p.95
Stephen Walsh (?)
The Time of the Doctor (2013)
The illustration portrays the stunt DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance is entirely academic in this shot
DWM Special: The Year of the Doctor
Peter Capaldi (2013-17)
The illustration portrays the twelfth DOCTOR WHO, who put off his change of physical appearance for a mere hours' screentime, pre-emptively curtailing a potentially dangerous precedent for outgoing showrunners
Adam Francis (?)
Deep Breath (2014)
The illustration portrays the horseriding DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance doesn't even seem to involve white hair

Glen Lean (?)
Deep Breath (2014)
The illustration portrays the horseriding DOCTOR WHO, whose physical resemblance to Adam Francis is excellent
The Doctor Who Companion: The Twelfth Doctor: Volume One
Nicola Bryant
The Widow's Assassin (2014)
The illustration portrays the sixth DOCTOR WHO in Peri's body
Paul Kasey
Deep Breath (2014)
The illustration portrays the disguised DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changes when Capaldi does a Mission: Impossible and peels it off
Rob Pavey (?)
Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, Flatline, Dark Water & Death in Heaven (2014), The Woman Who Lived (2015)
The illustration portrays the skydiving DOCTOR WHO, and marks the point when Doctor Who can achieve 1970s James Bond stunts
The Doctor Who Companion: The Twelfth Doctor: Volume One
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 257-8, p.50

Michael Jones/ Samuel Robson-Brown
Listen (2014)
The illustration portrays the child DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance was much later transformed when he discarded his worn-out body in favour of a new one
Gareth Weekley
Time Heist, Last Christmas (2014), Under the Lake/ Before the Flood (2015), Smile, Thin Ice, Knock Knock, Oxygen, Extremis, World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls (2017)
The illustration portrays the hunched DOCTOR WHO, who must have made one hell of an impression in that trailer.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 255-6, p.73; Stories 266-8, p.41, p.81, p.124; Stories 269-71, p.53, p.97; Stories 275-6, p.64
Steve Phelps
Flatline, Dark Water & Death in Heaven (2014)
The illustration portrays the Thing DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changes with his size
Terence Meredith
The Witch's Familiar (2015)
The illustration portrays another first DOCTOR WHO.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 253-4, p.142
Eamon Corbett
The Witch's Familiar (2015)
The illustration portrays another fourth DOCTOR WHO.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 253-4, p.142
Matt Crook
Under the Lake (2015)
The illustration portrays the water-sliding DOCTOR WHO.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 255-6, p.73

Corey Taylor
Before the Flood (2015)
The illustration portrays the Slipknot chords behind one of the elements blended together to make the Fisher King's roar, which also came out of the dead DOCTOR WHO at some point I can't remember

Steffan Morris
The Girl Who Died (2015)
The illustration portrays the immortality tile-wielding DOCTOR WHO.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 255-6, p.127
Andy Smart
The Zygon Inversion (2015)
According to The Complete History, the theft of the van is an action sequence and Andy Smart's hands double for DOCTOR WHO driving. As far as I can tell, the theft of the van involves walking up to it and there are no shots of the Doctor's hands driving. None-the-less...
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 257-8, p.128
Leo Woodruff (?)
Heaven Sent (2015)
The illustration portrays the diving DOCTOR WHO, who looks so like Capaldi I'm not actually sure he isn't
Chris Wilkinson
The Husbands of River Song (2015)
The illustration doesn't portray Husbands's standard double for DOCTOR WHO
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 262-3, p.116
Gareth Jones
The Woman Who Lived, The Husbands of River Song (2015)
The illustration portrays Husbands's foot double for DOCTOR WHO
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 257-8, p.50; Stories 262-3, p.116
Glyn Evans (?)
The Return of Doctor Mysterio (2016), Oxygen, The Pyramid at the End of the World (2017)
The illustration probably doesn't portray an actual doctor who also provided the hand of DOCTOR WHO.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 264-265, p.52; Stories 269-71, p.53, p.143
David Bradley
The Doctor Falls, Twice Upon a Time (both 2017), Doctors Assemble (2020), The Power of the Doctor (2022)
The illustration portrays the third (credited) first DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance was later transformed when he discarded his worn-out body in favour of a new one
Rob Jarman
The Magician's Apprentice/ The Witch's Familiar, The Husbands of River Song (2015)
The illustration portrays Husbands's stunt double for DOCTOR WHO
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 253-4, p.142; Stories 262-3, p.116
Troy Kenchington (?)
The Return of Doctor Mysterio (2016), Thin Ice, Extremis, The Lie of the Land, World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls, Twice Upon a Time (2017)
The illustration portrays the dangling DOCTOR WHO
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 264-265, p.52; Stories 266-8, p.81; Stories 269-71, p.98; Stories 272-4, p.44; Stories 275-6, p.64
Tim Bentinck
Shada (2017)
The illustration portrays the basis-for-animation DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance was drawn all over
Jodie Whittaker (2017-2022)
The illustration portrays the thirteenth DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance finally delivers on a promise first teased in 1981
Belinda McGinley
The Ghost Monument, Rosa, The Witchfinders, Spyfall (2018-20)
The illustration portrays the first female stunt DOCTOR WHO. In the 70s, Gordon Seed would have just got a new wig
Maria McClurg
The Runaway (2019)
The illustration portrays the motion-captured Doctor, whose physical appearance was all CGed over.

Spyfall, Can You Hear Me?, The Timeless Children (2020)
The illustration portrays the first pre-Doctor DOCTOR WHO, whose physical appearance changed when she fell off a cliff playing.
Jo Martin
Fugitive of the Judoon, The Timeless Children (2020), Once, Upon Time (2021), The Power of the Doctor (2022)
The illustration portrays the second post-inserted past DOCTOR WHO. Maybe. It's all still a bit fresh
Grace Nettle (3), Leo Tang (4), Jac Jones (5), Jesse Deyi (7) & others
The Timeless Children (2020)
The illustrations portray the second to seventh pre-Doctor DOCTORS WHO, whose physical appearances change as Tectuan repeatedly kills them (?) in pursuit of the secret of regeneration
Evan McCabe & others
Ascension of the Cybermen (2020)
The illustrations portray the fictional clue BRENDAN WHO, snuck into the Matrix by Tectuan and transmitted into the Doctor's brain by the Master so the secret story of her origins and pre-Hartnell life wouldn't be lost (??)
Chris Walker-Thompson, Angus Villiers-Stuart, Wink Taylor, Jonathon Carley, Pete Walsh, Elliott Crossley, Jacob Dudman & Debra Stephenson
Doctors Assemble (2020)
The illustration portrays the second, sixth/eighth, seventh, war/twelfth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and thirteenth DOCTORS WHO, none visible
Scott Baker
Twice Upon a Time (2017)
The illustration doesn't portray the double for the first DOCTOR WHO.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 275-6; p.64
Ian Pead
Twice Upon a Time (2017)
The illustration portrays the stunt double for the first DOCTOR WHO.
Doctor Who - The Complete History - Stories 275-6; p.64
Sacha Dhawan
The Power of the Doctor (2022)
The illustration portrays the Master DOCTOR WHO, mutter inside the Doctor's body mutter crude gag mutter mutter

Jonathon Carley
The War Doctor Begins (2021-)
The illustration portrays the war DOCTOR WHO in his young days

Stephen Noonan
The First Doctor Adventures (202)
The illustration portrays the bound first DOCTOR WHO

Michael Troughton
The Second Doctor Adventures (2022-)
The illustration portrays the second DOCTOR WHO. This will never end
Ncuti Gatwa (2023-)
The illustration portrays the fourteenth / fifteenth (??) DOCTOR WHO, who might have the greatest first line of all Doctors Who