It's almost certainly a coincidence and I'm not sure the dates actually quite match up (1) but, assuming both that Dicks largely wrote 'The Monster of Peladon' and that he has some say over which stories to adapt for Target beyond the most recent, isn't it worthy of a little passing attention that he should suddenly decide to turn his typewriter to a story that clumsily addresses the strikes of the mid-70s around the time he himself is asked to go on strike (2)?
Anyway, that's pretty much all I can find to say this time round, as you'll hopefully soon discover is much the same with regards to Doctor Who and the Monster of Peladon itself...
1. The Writers' Guild strike was actually in 1980, affecting the 1981 releases (David J Howe, The Target Book; p.68)
2. 'the [Writer's Guild got in touch with me and said that they wanted me to take part in a strike'
Terrance Dicks in David J Howe, The Target Book; p.67