I'd always assumed Sontarans were supposed to be remarkably short, that they got this a bit wrong in 'The Invasion of Time', a lot wrong in 'The Two Doctors' and went back to the right idea finally in the new series. It might well even be that I got the right end of the stick and this was the intention in each of those serials. That, however, isn't quite how things look onscreen though.
Starting with 'The Time Warrior', if Jon Pertwee was 6ft2 (celebheights.com/s/Jon-Pertwee-2380.html), I would guess Linx actually stands at about 5ft6. As Styre, in 'The Sontaran Experiment', is played by the same actor, I'm going to assume he was the same height.
In 'The Invasion of Time', Stor appears to be slightly shorter than Louise Jameson, who was apparently 5ft5 at the time (celebheights.com/s/Louise-Jameson-47218.html). This means he must have stood shorter than Linx and Styre -- I'm going to assume 5ft4 or thereabouts.
It's harder to gauge with Stike in 'The Two Doctors', but he looks, were Jamie to actually stand up straight, like he's very slightly taller than Frazer Hines, apparently 5ft6ish (celebheights.com/s/Frazer-Hines-5713.html), so I'm going to guess 5ft7 -- taller than any other Sontarans but still not exactly towering.
The new series, for what I'd say is actually the first time ever, makes the Sontarans proper short. Assuming their height stays pretty constant, I'll take Strax as my measure, standing a tad shorter that Jenna Coleman's 5ft2 (celebheights.com/s/Jenna-Louise-Coleman-47640.html), so let's say a round 5ft0.
All of which means:

Make of it what you will.
Anyway, here's Doctor Who and the Sontaran Experiment...