Why does the spider on Sarah’s back have ten legs??
Here's the back cover:
'"It's happening, Brigadier! It's happening!" Sarah cried out. The Brigadier watched, fascinated, as the lifeless body of his old friend and companion, Dr Who, suddenly began to glow with an eerie golden light ... The features were blurring, changing ... "Well, bless my soul." Said the Brigadier. "WHO will he be next?"'
It's so focused on the moment of the regeneration that it may as well say 'And INTRODUCING Tom Baker as The Doctor'. Mind you, it's a bit unnecessary anyway when you've got that cover. Apparently, Tom's face was the only thing the BBC were concerned about too: 'The BBC supplied a photograph of Tom Baker when they were unhappy with the original artwork they were shown that featured the Third Doctor's regeneration into the Fourth Doctor' (tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Doctor_Who_and_the_Planet_of_the_Spiders_(novelisation)).
Which is all a bit odd as the novelisation's quite abruptly truncated. Here's the last paragraph: 'A golden glow was appearing round the Doctor’s body. Even as they watched, the features began to blur and change. ‘Well bless my soul,’ said the Brigadier. "Here we go again!"'. No Tom.
This isn't the only evidence that Terrance Dicks is ploughing his own furrow. In fact, there's some very odd decisions getting made. Click here for more...