For this, I've mostly used, with reference to to make sure it's up to date, plus The Annual Years by Paul Magrs, because it's brilliant.
The Ribos Operation by Robert Holmes
The White Guardian summons the Doctor and threatens him into finding the six segments of the Key to Time.
The first segment is disguised as a lump of Jethryk.

The Seventh Segment by Gareth Roberts and Paul Peart
(DWM Summer Special 1995)
The tracer mistakes a weapon on Vyga 3 for the second segment.
Despite K9's warnings, the Doctor persists in trying to open the suitcase from which the signal comes. When it is finally opened - the Tardis crew having luckily retreated by this time - it kills everyone in the vicinity.

Tomb of Valdemar by Simon Messingham
(BBC PDA, 2000)
The tracer is damaged and the Tardis crew go in search of the cause.
The Pirate Planet by Douglas Adams
The second segment is disguised as the planet Calufrax, which has been compressed by Zanak.
The Stones of Blood by David Fisher
The third segment is disguised as the Great Seal of Diplos, worn as a necklace.

The Shadow of Weng-Chiang by David A McIntee
(Virgin Missing Adventure, 1996)
The tracer again picks up a faulty signal, but will be useless to the Tardis crew until the interference is dealt with.
Once they have dealt with Magnus Greel's Time Cabinet and the person at the centre of the chronon interference has died, the Doctor, Romana and K9 are able to continue the quest...

Heart of TARDIS by Dave Stone
(BBCPDA, 2000)
... Except they're not. Instead they get summoned to Gallifrey because of yet another instance of timey interference, though this one's admittedly threatening to tear reality asunder.
It turns out that pretty much all they have to do is make a door accessible for the second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria (the Brigadier's in this too), and then they can be on their way.

X-Rani and the Ugly Mutants
(Doctor Who Annual 1980)
The Doctor defeats the evil X-Rani, who mutates people and steals grass; Romana keeps a bunch of mutants in check with her beauty.
On a side-note, that might just be the most disturbing image of Romana ever, and it's odd to see her take a shine to the Tara costume before 'The Androids of Tara'.

Light Fantastic
(Doctor Who Annual 1980)
Gallifrey sends the Doctor, Romana and K9 to UX80, where they find the expelled Time Lord Radik.
Upset at Romana's boasts about her Academy success, Radik covers Romana in tacky gelatinous slime. The Doctor uses his mental energies to rescue Romana and turn Radik into sound waves. Romana then disintegrates Radik with the sonic screwdriver.
The threat dealt with, the Doctor turns to Romana and asks 'How about us settling down here, Romana - you, me and the dog?', only for K9 to remind him that would be 'Incompatible with job' - at a stretch, maybe a reference to their mission...
On a side-note, is that the most Soviet image of the Doctor ever composed?

Terror on Xaboi
(Doctor Who Annual 1980)
The Tardis is forced to land on Xaboi following a cosmic storm.
To help the tribe he finds there, the Doctor gets a big gun he keeps lying about the Tardis and kills the local beast.
Reluctant Warriors
(Doctor Who Annual 1980)
On Banto, the Doctor, under the influence of the ray of wrath, takes part in the battles staged for local entertainment.
Romana and K9 are able to disable the ray and reinstate the former, more peaceful, government, ending the war games.

The Weapon
(Doctor Who Annual 1980)
Foreshadowing 'The Androids of Tara', when the Tardis lands and the Doctor goes off to investigate, Romana takes the opportunity to loaf about and is quickly picked up by a knight. Is quickly emerges they have landed in the middle of a battle fuelled by anachronistic weaponry between white and black forces.

The story sees the Doctor, much to Romana's surprise, simply walk away from the situation, insisting that their only role was, in an echo of their quest for the Key to Time, simply to restore balance to the situation, not resolve it.
On a side-note, no explanation is ever given for the Doctor wearing what looks like black tie for the duration of this adventure.

Return of the Electrids
(Doctor Who Annual 1980)
The Doctor and Romana battle electric worms once more to help Zeebon, democratic leader of the Zedons, who the Tardis crew had only moments earlier restored to his role by battling electric worms.

The Sleeping Guardians
(Doctor Who Annual 1980)
The Doctor decides to pilot the Tardis to a random destination, thus cementing that these stories really don't belong in the midst of the Key to Time quest.
K9 finds and Romana uses a big crystal key, releasing a robot army and saving Valeria.

Ferril's Folly by Peter Anghelides
(Big Finish, 2011)
This one I haven't experienced myself but, from what I can gather, the Tardis crew trace the fourth segment to Norfolk in 2011 in the form of a malevolent meteor.
The Doctor deals with the threat by dispersing the meteor but, in doing so, they must hunt down the fourth segment all over again.
The Androids of Tara by David Fisher
The fourth segment, disguised as a statue, is quickly and efficiently recovered by Romana.
Malarkey then ensues.
The Glarn Strategy by Brian Dooley
(Short Trips: Snapshots, Big Finish, 2007)
The Doctor battles insulting emails to salvage relationships at an estate agent's and pre-emptively defeat an alien invasion.
The Tardis crew then get on with their quest.
The Power of Kroll by Robert Holmes
The fifth segment is disguised as a massive squid-cum-octopus that generates enough waste gas to fuel an entire planet.

Luna Romana by Matt Fitton
(Big Finish, 2014)
Another one I'm piecing together from synopses.
It appears the fifth segment was, at some point, stolen from the Tardis by Quadrigger Stoyn and buried in Italy.

Whether it was recovered or this whole adventure was subsequently undone, I'm not clear.
The Armageddon Factor by Bob Baker and Dave Martin
This sixth segment is disguised as Princess Astra.
And that, at least as things stand, is the tale of the Doctor's year pursuing the Key to Time. On which note, let's look at what's no longer the most tenuous story of the whole quest, Doctor Who and the Androids of Tara...